ITC-CSCC2024 Okinawa (The 39th International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communications) ITC-CSCC2024 (The 39th International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communications)



The conference invites original papers with new research ideas and technologies in these areas. Topics for regular sessions include, but are not limited to, the followings:

Circuits & Systems

    • Advanced Signal Processing
    • Analog Circuits
    • Electronic Circuits & Systems
    • Emerging Issues on Circuits & Devices
    • Graphs and Net Theory
    • Intelligent Transportation Systems & Technology
    • Medical Electronics & Circuits
    • Modern Control
    • Neural Networks & Deep Learning
    • Nonlinear Systems
    • Power Electronics & Circuits
    • RF Circuits
    • Semiconductor Devices & Technology
    • Sensors and related Circuits
    • Verification and Testing
    • VLSI Design & Computer Aided Design


    • Advanced System & Evaluation
    • Artificial Intelligence
    • Computer Systems & Applications
    • Computer Vision
    • Image Coding & Analysis
    • Image Processing
    • Security


    • Ad-hoc, Sensor Network & IoT Application
    • Audio & Speech Signal Processing
    • Circuits & Components for Communications
    • Communication & Network System
    • Multimedia Communications
    • Optical communications & Components
    • Visual Communications

Call for Paper

Online Submission

Author Instructions and Kits

1. Paper Submission

The prospective authors may submit a paper in one of the following two categories:
(A) Papers for IEEE Xplore Publication:
Authors who wish to have their papers published in IEEE Xplore should submit a 4-6 page camera-ready manuscript.

(B) Papers Not for IEEE Xplore Publication:
Authors who do not require IEEE Xplore publication may submit a 1-4 page manuscript.

In both cases, submissions should be formatted with single-spaced, two-column pages using at least 10pt font size on A4 pages.
Based on the review results, the final presentation type will be decided and notified by the TPC committee. You can prepare a manuscript with the template and convert it to pdf format.

Please use the following EasyChair link to submit your paper:

2.Word template

Word template download
You can prepare a manuscript with the template and convert it to pdf format for uploading to the paper submission system.

3. Latex Template

Latex template download

Call for Special Session

The ITC-CSCC2024 Organizing Committee invites proposals for Special Sessions on topics in Circuits/Systems, Computers, and Communications that have the potential to have a major impact on the field in the near future. Special Session proposals must contain the following

Proposal for ITC-CSCC2024 Special Session

  • Title of the special session:
  • Description of the topics to be included in the special session:
  • Prospective papers:

    1. Authors, Affiliations, Title of paper
    2. Authors, Affiliations, Title of paper
    3. Authors, Affiliations, Title of paper
    4. Authors, Affiliations, Title of paper
    5. Authors, Affiliations, Title of paper

  • Session organizer (chair)

    -- Name:
    -- Affiliation:
    -- Email:

Special Session Submission

All proposals should be submitted online via e-mail to the Special Sessions Chair.
*Replace "at" in the e-mail address below with @.
e-mail: shogo at

Proposals will be evaluated based on topic timeliness and expected impact, qualifications of the organizers, and the list of contributed papers and their authors.
The papers in each accepted Special Session will undergo a review process similar to that of the regular papers submitted.

Presentation Guidelines

1. Oral Presentations

  • Please go into the session room at least 15 minutes before the session starts and identify yourself to the session chair.
  • Please submit the presentation slide. You need to bring your ppt file on a laptop and connect it to the podium in the session room. All room podiums are equipped with the following adapters: HDMI, USB-C, mini DP, VGA.
    You also need to confirm whether it is working properly. This is very important to pay attention to this time frame. The visual equipment provided is a beam projector.
  • Time assignment including discussion is as follow
    • - Tutorial : 90 minutes
    • - Plenary : 40 minutes
    • - Keynote: 50 minutes
    • - Oral Presentation (Special+Regular Sessions) : 20 minutes
      15-minutes presentation per presenter (+ 5-minute Q&A)

2. Poster Presentations

  • The size of the poster board is 900mm (width) × 1532mm (length).
  • You need to prepare your poster within this size and attach it on the poster board in your session room at least 10 minutes before the session starts, and then remove your poster immediately after the session finishes.
poster size
Board size: W900 x H1532mm
Full size: W974 x H1800mm